Friday, December 02, 2005

The New Moon In The Old Moon's Arms.

Here I am,staring at the screen once again.
Did something crazy last night while I was on Friendster.
Oh wells.
I have choir rehersal later,over at Victoria Concert Hall.
I hope I won't be late...or too early?
I just hope I won't be late -.-"
Can't wait to sing those songs again.They've been stuck in my head all week!I mean,since Saturday.It's just not the same without singing with the whole choir.
I'm in love with the third song.
Anyway,this is my 101th post!Man,have I typed so much!Of course,it's not really endless.
Some of the earlier posts are a little hard to read because of the colours but nevermind,not very interesting either.Just don't!
Need to speak with Bath(Kath) about dinner tomorrow,before performance.Darn.There IS a Macdonald's nearby but we shall have to walk.It's quite big though.I'm feeling sad.After tomorrow night,I'll never get to sing those 3 songs again!Well,not for a while at least.Who knows?Maybe in a few year's time I might have to sing it again.I just hope.
Oh yeah.I watched Son Of The Mask on DVD yesterday,the guy playing Loki had cute hair!
I packed my room,looks much neater,I think.Well,thats what I think.IIIIIIII!I can't wait for tonight.I shall go spend my time wisely now.I'm going to read!Buhzz! -Xiu =)

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