Wednesday, December 21, 2005

To call my true love to my dance

Reading my older posts,I feel sad >.<
Actually,Dec 1st turned out to be the greatest day ever,apart from the fact that I almost lost my file.Argh!
Anyway I'm chatting to Dels on msn now,just finished tagging people's tagboards.Someone needs to invent a time machine.I want one!I can go back in time and re-do everything.When I get to this age,then I'll rewind again.LOL.
Lame,I know,but y'know,it may be fun.One can sorta walk in someone else's shoes.Okay I shall stop this time machine thing for now.
I'm currently waiting for my lunch cos dad went down to take it away."Chai Tao Kway",its called.I only returned from my trip to Thailand on the 19th,after which I was really tired.I didn't drop straight into bed though,still had to take a shower and all that.Sigh.
Lunch is home!Eating it now.Nice,warm food.
I watched two DVDs yesterday.One of which was called 'Mean Girls'.The other was called 'House Of Wax' !!!Tonight,I shall watch two more =X
One of them shall be 'Daddy Daycare'.I don't know what else I want to watch.I'll see.I'm bored.It's obvious that I'm trying to think of something to type.I do miss choir rehersals.They keep me busy,with something productive to do instead of watching TV and using the computer.Oh yeah,I bought a new organizer for 2006!I'll be pretty busy next year so I'll be needing one.Okay whatever,I shall end here. -Xiu =)

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