Friday, December 30, 2005

This,have I done for my true love.

I'm feeling terrible.
Came down with a high fever the night before last.Totally horrid,although I have no idea how I got it.Feeling so weak...
You gotta be sick to know.When you're sick,all your energy just drains man.
I can't even decide what to have for breakfast,because I usually wake after.
I've just drunk a mug of water though.Flush out the toxins.Damn,why must I fall sick just before school starts?!
I don't want to miss the first day of school,thats suicide!Oh God,please don't let me have Mrs Khoo as my Math teacher again.I'm most worried about English,what will it be like?
I managed to sleep for 6 and a half hours last night.It's not too bad,compared to the past few nights.I could hardly sleep.So much for trying to rest.I want to be cured and sleep properly!I have to take like...12 tablets a day now.
Totally sucks,having to swallow pills.Some of them are so large!
You people have no idea.I'm stuck with nothing to do.Don't feel like doing anything 'cos I've got a splitting headache now.Hurts so much.
I should just go back into bed and rest or something.Sigh.
I can't take it anymore!I'm going back to bed. Happy end-of-holidays. -Xiu =(

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