Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas,With Love!

Whew,after hours of intensive testimonial-e-mail typing,letter writing,online chatting,I'm finally free.
It's been another year,since last Christmas day!
A really challenging but...fruitful year.
Yeah.I suppose thats the right word to use.
I have learnt a lot from this past year alone,things that will be of use to me later on in life.Sigh,the wonders of teaching.
Ah well,this Christmas has been a disappointing one though.
The Christmas tree I made turned out lousy this time.Sigh.
No presents or anything,just a big big feast that could not be finished.
Lots of food left behind...Mom tried bribing me today with 500 bucks.LOL.
Whatever,I still want my handphone plan.Just spoke to my brother about it.
Ah.I-I- I wanna go offline now to watch Pirates of the Carribean on the comp.
I shall end here.
Merry Christmas everyone! <3 Xiu =)

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