Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday,June 13th 2007

I've hit 200 posts!

Just felt like typing about a show I've watched over and over.In fact,I've just finished watching it another time. "The Adventures of Joe Dirt"

I love that show.I first watched it in Hawaii when I went there for the Pacific Basin Music Festival 2005,but I only managed to catch a very small part of it because our choir had to rush off somewhere.I made a mental note to look for it once I came back to Singapore,but I couldn't find it anywhere.
When I went to Perth,Australia in June that same year,I popped into VideoEzy there and found the video!I wanted to buy it but it was only up for rental.Darn...I had no choice to come back home and then check it out at the VideoEzy branches here.Of course,I asked them over the website first.I was overjoyed when they told me the branch at Thomson Plaza had a copy of the VCD.I couldn't get there sooner.

I can't even remember how many times I've watched it,but I love it for a few reasons.Joe Dirt has such a positive outlook on life.For years and years he believed his parents simply lost him,until he found out towards the end of the show that they simply left him.He had a "never-give-up" attitude.I also love the whole country feel of the show,you know,the accents and the countryside scenery and lifestyle.
Oh,and the show also has/had a happy ending!

Another character I'd like to type about is Mr Bean.Ring a bell?
I've watched a lot of the animated series,I find it more fun than the unanimated one.
I wish I were like Mr Bean.Not only can he make people laugh,he only has to deal with little petty problems in his life,like dealing with the grumpy landlady,pleasing his girlfriend,talking to his teddybear.
Just getting through each day using sly-but-smart tactics,and it's fun,too.
So different from reality.

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