Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tuesday, June 19th 2007

Sometimes it's a comfort to be alone.

If you're the kind of person who always has people breathing down your neck (metaphorically) ,it's always nice to have peace and quiet sometimes. Well, of course this can't apply to everyone, some people love attention.

Recently I've had so much face-to-face communication with people that I'm exhausted by the time I get home everyday.It is tiring.While I was walking home from NTUC just now carrying 4 cans of cocktail sausages, a McFlurry, and with my iPod plugged into my ears, listening to "I Want It That Way" on repeat, it felt so peaceful.
Not having to think of the right things to say, not having to worry about what other people think about you or what you're saying to them, not having to worry about what they want.
When my parents were out of the country on a holiday for a week, it felt like that.My siblings weren't often at home, and it was peaceful. It's just that sense of freedom, you know?
Do what I want, when I want, say what I want, and nobody cares.

The Vivocity rooftop is a beautiful place to be.

The past few days have been really tiring. I keep trying to force myself to do homework, but can't bring myself to. I guess you could refer to the saying The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Some of you would say it's just plain nonsense, but it's really like that. It's not that I WANT to do my homework, it's just that I have to, if not I'd be hounded. I'm so worried for myself!

Sec 4 farewell tomorrow, accompanied by choir practice from 7.45am-5pm. How to run when I stubbed my toe yesterday? It started bleeding under the nail.
Don't wanna say goodbye to the Sec 4s, they're like so reliable lah! We're barely surviving without them.
Oh, dear Sec 4s...

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