Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday,March 16th 2007

Another terrible day,but I really don't want to type about it.
Only that I went for Chinese supplementary lessons this morning at school.Turned out 2 girls couldn't make it,so there were only Rebecca,Lao Shi and I.The only thing comforting about the lesson was when Lao Shi told me that "ting xie" won't be next week because it's Sports Day on Thurs.That gives me another week to study.How come everything is being postponed all of a sudden?IJ Superstar has also been postponed.
Man,everyone should be so excited about Sports Day.We'll all be roasting,squashed together and made to cheer until our throats are sore.If you didn't already know,if you're a singer,losing your voice is the worst thing ever.

Some thoughts:
Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if we all never grew up?I wish Adam and Eve hadn't eaten from that tree.If not for them,we'd still be little children running around the garden.
Children are so innocent.Most of them don't know what's right or wrong,so they just go around doing things so innocently,you can't even bear to punish them.When you're a child,the world is your playground.Anything can be your playground.I remember when I was little,I used to turn a chair over and climb over and under it,it was fun.
Being a child also means that one can escape/be excused from the responsibility an adult has to carry.You know how growing up is.All the bad things come flooding into your life,all just because you're getting to be an adult.People dump responsibility on you,regardless of whether you're ready or not.All the right and wrongs are more understandable,more distinguished,all because you're getting smarter,more mature.
What a curse.Adults have been alive for far too long.They get bored with their own lives so they start fiddling with yours.
If only we could all die by the age of 16.That's not even innocent enough.We won't even be children anymore.

I was walking to Borders from Orchard MRT station today.This little girl and her father were walking infront of me.The little girl was carrying a little furry giraffe backpack,complete with a giraffe keychain.She kept looking back at me,I don't know why.Maybe she was from some primary IJ,and I was wearing my uniform.
I thought about how little kids could get away with almost everything.Even carrying that backpack.You know how little kids always look so cute,whatever they do/say or whatever they wear?You also know once that little girl grows older,she won't be able to wear that backpack anymore.Society is so bloody cruel.
That little girl would be insulted,picked on,teased mercilessly by her peers if they saw her carrying it.Rumours would spread like wildfire.Just for carrying that little backpack,she might even get beaten up by older kids.
She'd grow up fearing everything,everyone,because kids aren't strong enough to withstand this kind of pressure.Kids were not made that way.Adults were not made that way either.She wouldn't just wake up one day and say/decide "I'm not going to be bullied anymore" because it wouldn't come true,even if she starts carrying a normal backpack.Her peers would just go up to her and ask "where's your little furry giraffe backpack,little girl?"
She'd be scarred for life,all because of a little furry giraffe backpack.
Now you know how cruel society is.

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