Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday, August 6th 2007

Busy eating an apple. This apple tastes horrible! Don't be fooled by it's shiny red skin and elegant shape. It's almost tasteless inside, and it's so hard. I sound like I'm describing a person.

Discriminate- To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice.

"A House Is Not A Home". Do you agree?

I agree to a certain extent. Home is where one feels safe and happy, wherever in the world that may be. It does not necessarily have to be a place. It does not necessarily have to have a roof.
Of course, I am in no position to say that a house is not a home. A house is a home for some people, for that's where they look forward to going after a long day's work. They find comfort, peace and happiness there. They feel safe there, away from life's complications and problems.
For me, my house is not a home, for I don't feel safe and happy in it. Of course, there are always the physical features of my house that are oddly disturbing, like the overly-bright mismatched colours that greet one as he or she walks through the front door. In relation to social issues, things in my house are quite dysfunctional.

I don't know how to conclude it, so I shall just leave it dangling there/here for now until I think of something else.

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