Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday, August 12th 2007

I hope my train of thought doesn't break tomorrow, especially since I'll be doing a compo + letter-writing tomorrow. 'N' level English prelims are tomorrow! It's kind of exciting, in a way. Something I'm looking forward to, since the last time I did an English Normal Acad paper was...say, 2 years ago. I've lost all confidence in doing well in English since then. Ah, I never did well in English anyway. I've told you before, they made a mistake.
I hope the topics they give us for our compo(s) are interesting enough to write about.

As I was switching on the computer, I saw lightning flash across the dark cloudy sky. It stayed that way longer than I expected, actually, for maybe about 2-3 seconds. Now there's a little bit of thunder as well.
Somebody told me once that lightning can kill but rain is pretty harmless.
Not quite true.
Sure, lightning can kill, but rain can also kill, although indirectly.

What am I doing using the computer when I have an exam tomorrow morning?!

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