Sunday, March 06, 2005

Baby I Loved You,Why Did You Let Me Go?

anyways it was a boring day today.The only thing I enjoyed today was choir practice.We actually sounded good with only 22 people! woo hoo! Hope it lasts -.-" tends to wear off.
the furniture that dad and mom ordered weeks ago came in today.I'm kinda happy with my life at the moment.I guess so.I'm just worried that the clothes might be too-too- big. oh well they might be. but mostly not la. lolz. Clay looks so cute in thatpicture...
LOL. where was I?Oh yeah.Mrs Tan got kinda mad again.I don't know for what reason.But I'll really take my pic this weekend k Mrs Tan?I'll have to take it sooner or later.I've been typing quite alot today.Its so early.Only 10.50pm.And I'm tired already?! maybe.I'll need energy for tomorrow.Might be going out with mom and all that.Hope that it'll be a typical Sunday.I need to buy some other stuff too. lolz. Hope so.I guess I'll have to type afew more lines.I'll feel weird if I don't. I just realised I forgot to reply Wy -.-" sorry wy. LOLZ. okok. Good night people. L.O.V.E

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