Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Cross This Line To The Only Thing That's True.

lol I supposed you've guessed the song.Argh!
Hi everybody!
I haven't blogged for a long long time...I think.There's choir again tomorrow. woo hoo? lol.Thank God the SYF auditions are only next Wednesday.Oh well...Sok Herren shouldn't be too difficult..I hope.Sigh.We're gonna be given a compo test for Eng cos most of us,maybe even all-failed.So well they can't accept the fail,neither can I.So well we're gonna be given another test.Hope it will interesting topic.I can't seem to use my imagination nowadays.Well I can,but I can't come up with anything original.So well,reading too much really IS bad.I mean,when I do a compo,I start to think about the books I've read...and well my sister said I have ALOT of books -.-" Well I don't think so.But anyway thats what SHE said. -.-"
Just hope that the test won't be tomorrow.I'll be dead tired!I might fall asleep during choir!
That almost happened to me once.I had to struggle to stay awake.Serious!It was so...difficult.lolz
So anyway here I am now,typing and typing.My dad's blowing his nose -.-. my mom's just..just..uh.She just came out of the bath I guess,already in her PJs.My sis is playing the piano again,as usual.Its a nice night but maybe a little too hot.Its not too bad though.Today we did alot of packing in the room.Alot!There were bags and bags of rubbish.I had trouble forcing them down the chute by myself.I called for help.My dad didn't even budge.Evil man.Whatever.
My sis was cleaning the room so she didn't help either.I mean,well she HAD to clean the room right?But my dad just continued sitting there,staring at the darn television set.ew?
I mean common whats so nice about the boring news or somethin?! I don't even think much of the tellie,unless some people are on it.Well...This Sunday,7.30pm,Stephen Chow's gonna be on TV!!!!! YIPPEE! I mean come on!They showed SOME clips of it.He looks so blur on that show! LOL so cute. Oh yeah did I tell you people?I was staring at the sign thingy today in school.I was just staring at it.Uhm.Then after that I just felt really tired.I just slept in class.Well school was going to end REAL soon then so I just happened to fall asleep.So well I was really tired and all that,headache included.When I came home,I did some packing,revision,homework,rabbit stuff,and then I came online.Guess what!I went on the website where they provided meanings and stuff for these symbols.I looked for the symbol that I stared at today.It said that the symbol absorbs your energy. what the-.So freaky.LOL.Oh well at least its not too bad.I definately CANNOT stare at it tomorrow before choir practice.Can't afford to.Must-pay-attention...If the symbol really has that kind of power...oh well.I should try it again on friday or something.In school.I have to know if it wasn't just me.This is kinda freaky.lolz.well.I'll just have to wait till then to find out! btw,the Constantine book rawks,totally! Love,Xiu. -always.

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