Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I Want A Fat Babe!

LOLZ. lousy but cute title.
Got it from the remake of the song "I want it that way"
I've been listening to "I want a fat babe" all afternoon! woo hoo!!!!!
sigh. Today feelin sick but happy la. cos of the song.
Oh wells. I never stopped loving you*
I'm all tired out. Today after choir went out with nicxy for abit then went home.
Took flu medicine now I feel sleepy -.-" lolz. Will clean rabbit's cage,brush teeth,and sleep.
Thank God I've recorded "I want a fat babe" using my handphone.
Took some pictures of the cartoon too. such a cute cartoon.
Tomorrow got choir,from 7.30am to about 6.00pm. argh.
Then still need to pay Mrs Seah US$10. The note looks nice k. So..classy.
Clay is about 900km from here! In Aceh. The kids really love him. So cute.
So sweet don't you think? Flew all the way from Hawaii to help the kids out. Charming.
My dad just asked me if I wanted peaches. LOL. Too tired to eat la. Feeling drowzy too.
mark just came online again. sigh. (:
Anyways. getting really really tired now. See ya all. love you still* always and forever. -Xiu.

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