Sunday, March 27, 2005

Biggie Fries,With A 64oz. Milkshake!

I'm back from Hawaii!
It was much nicer there.Sigh.I wanna go back.It just doesn't seem right that I have to come home.The air's stuffy.I'm too used to the Honolulu timezone.Darn.I didn't sleep a wink all night!I went online at about 3am,writing testimonials for people.Well,after that,I got abit bored...So I went to watch TV.Stephen Chow.Bahaha.The trip to Hawaii was totally cool.Met lotsa people at the welcome dinner thingy.I miss Shintaro.Lolz! Anyways it was kinda cool.It's not everyday you get to meet people from all over the world!It rocked.
Life in Hawaii is so slow-paced,so free.The people there smile alot.And well,I loved the hotel stay too.Heh.Breakfast was a buffet.I had scrambled eggs!Woo hoo!I love it there.The beach was beautiful and the water was clear!Abit blue-ish too.I feel like going back.Its so gloomy here.Nobody ever smiles,nobody dresses in a funky way...nobody is...uh- I dunno. But I never knew Japanese guys were cute.Ha.Now I know.It's weird.I just went there,no jet lag or whatever.Before this trip,I've always wanted to go to America.Hawaii!Sigh.I wanna go back there.Over there,its never so hot.Well there is sun but still,its not as hot as Singapore.There,people have style!So the competition went well.Glad to miss a week of school.The schools are mostly mixed.Its really cool.People surf in Hawaii!I wanted to rent a surfboard but I thought,better not.I don't even know how!I'm too young to die.Lolz!I think New Zealand is more peaceful than Hawaii,but I love them both.I don't like Singapore.Its so...Its..I feel...sad.I still can't believe I came back.Its sad that we left earlier than the other schools,but I'm kinda happy.And I got to see Shintaro the day before we left,the day of the results.I got to see two other people too.Quite happy.I miss them already.Now,even Japan sounds better than Singapore.Sigh.I'm having my breakfast now.Already had a slice of ham,a fried egg,and a chicken patty thing.I think I spelt it wrongly.Was it pattie?Nevermind.Now I'm having chicken soup.Gonna have a glass of milk,then a peach.My rabbit has been out the whole night with me!It has been following me around.Around 4am,I went to cook a packet of instant noodles.I gave it some uncooked.I didn't even know rabbits ate uncooked noodles!My mom's getting a new phone today.K700i.Its hopeless!I want Shintaro's phone.Argh!Japan is too fast.Lolz.I don't know if I should go check out the phones with my mom.I mean,shopping with her can be good or bad.Its just scary.Should I go catch a movie by myself?Go to the beach?Ew.The beaches here suck.Maybe not.What other things can I do today?It's so hot!I'm melting even though the fan is directed at me,highest speed.Help!It's too hot!Should I just follow my mom out today?She said that after she bought her new phone,we could go out somewhere.Maybe I can somehow drag her to HMV?Hmmm.Argh forget it.Maybe I will,but if I don't,I'll just stay home and rot or something.Okay okay. Bye people Love. love love love -Xiulin.

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