Sunday, March 13, 2005

I Guess I Need You,Baby.

Today went to the ACS funfair. It really was fun! Although I went alone -.-" But then going there and seeing people I know,I've met before...stuff. Saw a couple of familiar people. mark,adriel,and matt. LOL.I dun think matt saw me though.ha!
Anyways I'm quite tired but happy la.Damn happy.mark looks better now.much better lolz.
Oh wells.I bought the ACS bear thingy with the tiny bag and pin.Quite cute la though it looks evil. lolz.Eating oreo cookies now. mmm.I lent adriel KFH vcd.I was watching mark play some game.Throw sponge.lolz he can aim man. Then-well,saw the girl whom cherre likes.uhm.whats her name? I dunno how to spell one la.but then...nvm.My dad just scolded me.LOL lame. he said must show him result all tt.I dunno whats he so angry for. well not really that angry la. lolz.I just showed him my report book.then I told him I passed 4 out of 8 subbies.I dun think he's that angry anyway.I mean common get real.IF I ever passed my math,my dad wun be happy time I pass also he nt happy,scold me so much summore wth.To hell with it la.Cannot get job then forget it la! make such a big damn fuss.spoilt my day.I shall not care. *hmph*
Oh wells. Going to the funfair brought back memories and stuff la. lolz.LOL my sis just came back and asked if the funfair was okay.Then she said "woah,whats that!" then she took my report book and is now flippin through it. lolz.WOO HOO! now the comp got sound alr! yays!
Sigh.I miss ACS already. lolz.I shall bring math and science notes to Hawaii to study. lolz and books to read! woo hoo!Listening to Clay Aiken now. my sis sitting beside me and eating her dina! lolz lammeeee. Hope to see you all again soon! Bubbyes. -Xiu =)

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