Friday, February 25, 2005

Pachelbel Canon In D

I'm listening to Canon In D now so I thought I'd just name this post it. LOL.
I'm kinda surprised I didn't fall asleep the minute I got home. We had to walk 15 km today!!!!!
Its some General Leadership thingy.I'm the 'follower'...Steph .........was. the """"leader"""".
Anyway,It was kinda interesting.There were monkeys and all that.We even saw a 'teenager' snake!LOL.I thought at first that the monkeys would come after me because I smelt like a banana.I sprayed on suntan oil before the hike...The brand was Bananaboat.So now you know why.But what a surprise,they didn't.Well I didn't understand why the others were so..scared of monkeys.I mean...we were all monkeys once right?Well thats what I heard.Heh.
Oh fine.My mom just scolded me.Damn it.evil woman.I shall not let that get to me. HA! Try harder mom!HA!
ok where was I?Oh yeah.There were lotsa turtles swimming and sunbathing. LOL.
Argh.I'm doing research on people again.I did research on Cherre's Wade Robson.Then after that I did research on Mrs Tan's Kris. LOL! I'm kinda confused right now.Oh wells I guess I'll type a short one tonight cos it really was a long day today.No energy. LOLZ. nevah! Buhz people good night and all that right? bubbyes people. buhz! -Xiu.

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