Thursday, February 03, 2005

Baby When You Hold Me,Make Me Feel It.

and no,its not a pervy song.Its a song about love. so dun assume k :D
she badmouthed me? like wth! and then my dad shouted at me. damn. my rabbit got scared and ran under the chair. I just slammed my room door,leaving him to continue shouting outside. suipid tuition teacher. STUPID! who does she think she is? so great ah. she think she so good? she use all the methods i nvr see before one. wth. then she asked me to tell her the way I learnt ratio. then i explain then she tell me wrong. must do her way. wth right. she uses ways Ive never SEEN BEFORE IN MY BORING LIFE!dam her. tmr i have stupid old tuition again. if she badmouth me again behind my back to my father ah. she's gonna get it ok. damn her la.
all because of her,tt made my dad shout at me,tt made me cry in my room...cos. i mean how would you feel if your own father believes a stupid tuition teacher who tells lies about you,rather than believe his own daughter? you'd feel hurt right? damn her la. may she die early man.
Then I went to my room yesterday and started smashing the cupboard. stupid. all cos of her.
now my hand got one big bruise. tmr she badmouth me again I shall punch her la. stupid teacher. I dun understand,I even asked her to repeat another time leh. I DUN UNDERSTAND HER STUPID METHOD,THEN SHE COME AND TELL MY FATHER I NVR LISTEN. totally bullshit la.these kind of people dun deserve to live you know tt.They badmouth,and they assume stuff just because they dunno you well enough. like wth right.My dad just came out of his damn room and gave me a lecture.I care? no. the stupid tuition teacher did it all. then my dad still can say "she's trying to help you"
LIKE REAL LA. she badmouths you,is she helping? no. deserves to die la. next time I do tt to her. she deserves it. but no one will listen to me anyway.Gina thinks I left her in class with dels to finish the lit work on their own. like wth? I had to rush off for choir. cos on weds I have late day,so no matter how fast I rush there,Im always at least 5 mins late. so its like Mrs Low was already in the room? and lorna gave her our timetable,and Mrs Low let lorna and I have 10 mins for lunch. then I gobbled up my spaghetti. and then ah. I went to the drink stall right. with Lorna. then REGINA came down with STEPH and thought I left them on their own to finish up the damn work. then they accuse me. WTH LA. not my fault right? they dun have cca,I do ok. and they dun really care that much about their ccas anyway. they wanna pon,they will.
But i dun la.I love choir. why can't they understand? they just take one short glance at me,and they think that I left them on their own to finish the work all by themselves,and went to have lunch? listen. pls understand.Gina,you've known me for 8 years. how could you accuse me of smth not my fault?Think before you side anyone gina. thats all I can say. bye people. -Xiu.

1 comment:

rzewski7 said...

Ey, wanna vent your anger also not on OUR cupboard pls! Try the pillow, it's softer and won't hurt your hand!!! Know what i did when i was very very angry? I would take a piece of paper and write "I hate you" over and over till i filled up the whole sheet, then scribble it all off till the whole paper was a whole black mess, then just crush up the paper and toss it in the bin. Worked like magic! No matter how angry you are, it's not worth hurting yourself over it ok? It's much better to write it out in a diary, or talk to friends about it. Or talk to me! I'll always be there for you k?