Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Isn't She Lovely,Isn't She Wonderful?

Hey its a song!
Im in a funky mood tonight.LOL.So lame right. By right I should be drooping,a worried frown across my face.But ever since my dad told me about the VCD player,in our room in M'sia,I'm happy to go. YIPPEE! Cos I'll probably lock myself in,watching KungFu Hustle over and over. woo hoo! Maybe la.Or I'll be out in the garden. Sigh.I kinda dread trips to M'sia.Cos its like..I go there.I will be sad,bored,tired,all that.And RABBIT'S not coming along.how sad is that?!I'll miss it.Definately.I just hopes my brother FEEDS it.But my rabbit...It likes the taste of newspapers -.-" there's food there for it,it prefers to eat newspaper. weird rabbit I have.
ANYWAY.I did some training today. LOL. its VERY lame.I did 20 sec handstands,20 push ups guys style,20 sit ups,20 jumps,20 chair jumps,20 box jumps....veh lame one la.But the thing is..I din do stretches for splits and stuff. argh.must do tonight.Can't afford to go M'sia without..skills.lol.I kinda figured that martial arts need flexibility. so cool!
okok change subjects. you guys must be bored. lolz!
By the way. today dezi got prob. dunno why she angry with us for. its weird though.
lol Oh wells. boring day.I still have my room to pack and rabbit and hamster's cage to clean. Im such a sad case.But I gotta spend more time with rabbit!I'm gonna miss it so.
*sighs* Life is a road and I wanna keep going,Love is a river I wanna keep flowing...
okok Im just singing this song. Im so bored babbeh.I miss melanie. good old times. does she miss me? maybeh! [Do you,Mel?] sometimes im just sick of this world,people assuming this and that.Its all assumption and..and..Have you people ever hated someone to the core,but under all this hate,you still love the person to bits? --------------------yeah.---------------------
*Im suddenly standing at the beginning with you.* Good night people. Happy Chinese New Year,especially to *you. Love,Xiu.

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