Friday, February 04, 2005

All I Wanna Do Is Make You Mine.


stupid people. STUPID!!!!! LOL!
im quite sure steph wants to get me to lose as much as I can. she asked me to pay for the one lesson of tuition -.-" lame right? I know.
anyways.Sigh I have to say again man.I love ACS Br.The school dam nice!Its like got pool and all tt. and guess what?I got lost in there -.-"
The first time I went there was on April 16 2004 for a concert.Then the second time..was like. last week or so only? lolz. I love the school man.Anyway..had some stupid instant noodle thingy for lunch,and for dessert,had some canned fruit.Im so unhealthy. LOL
Mrs Tan,if you're reading said something about us writing better on our blogs than in our compo.s? I think we'd fail. LOL cos we dun use proper english online. you know what I mean. :D
anyway my dad is currently out,collecting the car from service thingy. sad.
I love being at home alone.Just my fish,my hamster,and I. lolz.Music Im listening to...One Last by Taufik Batisah. LOL. I love the book my sis bought for me.My second time reading it!Its called "Midnight" by Jacqueline Wilson.She's one fine writer. you guys should read more of her books. their good. :)
Boring afternoon.I feel like lifting my brother's weight thingys lol. its VERY boring.I might post more tonight if you're lucky. lolz. maybeh!My rabbit's sleeping under the chair. poor guy must be tired.SO SWEET! LOL.Oh well.I din go for the tuition today.I can't stand it anymore.The teacher. very bull**** one la ok.-.-" post more tonight people. Bye for now :p -Xiu <3

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