Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My Love I Just Can't Hide.

Msn got prob.For me only I think lol. Smth about using an old version of msn. msn 6.2+msn plus very old meh. nonsense!
Msg for jie: miss yer!
ahem. as I was saying.
dels and I wokay alr la. LOL.
I feel like watching KungFu Hustle again. LOLLLLL.I just miss it.Cos the other day I was walking in TP,the underground pass thingy.There's a VCD shop there and I walked pass it la.I saw KungFu Hustle.I mean they were playing it.Losta people were there watching -.-"
Im drinking crysanthemum tea now.So lame!Well okay I finished it awhile ago. :D
So my rabbits circling me under the computer table,trying to lick me. wth. sigh.Boring without msn.I miss gina and dels.And melanie. sigh. sigh. sigh......I just realised.I learnt the "sigh" from my sister. lolllllllll.
Im bored. had a lousy dinner.Some porridge and fried egg...and some salted fish with black beans?Okok I didn't even touch the fish and beans. LOL.gave em to dad. -.- He likes it.
Sigh.Oh yeah.I found out stuff bout my mom. LOL the way she was last time.
years ago,she bought a hair styler for herself -.-" You know...the kind which curl and straighten and stuff. lol.I called her vain-.-....Well I dun blame her though.After all,she used to have long hair too.Though I still can't believe it. lolz.
Sigh poor me.I play Runescape now.There's nothing else to play.Its kinda lame.I mean the characters are people? sigh.But its still okay.I mean,I still miss GB and all that.
But I still have this fear that I might "bump" into anybody I know online on GB so yeah.
I still play though.Im going this friday with gina.And lunch too.Dels wanna come along? :)
Im just sittin here now.My rabbit's on the floor. I mean like..It just flopped there. lolz
What should I do now?Play Runescape? -.-" wth.My parents are watching some TV program...which..which.ARGH!!!Its like...the people on TV are making abalone -.-"
I mean.Cooking. lolz. Something my parents enjoy. -.-
There's choir again tomorrow.Not that Im complaining >:)
LOL. On Thursday too.And on least Im free on Friday.I miss GB.
OKOK.I'll stop talking about that for now. lol.Bye now people! sigh. Love,Xiu.

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