Tuesday, February 22, 2005

When She Said Yes.

Oh My God.
I went to watch Constantine again today.It seems to get better each time I watch it.Keanu Reeves seems to get cuter too. weird. Anyway I told myself on the way home to tell nothing but the truth.Oh well.I guess it did pay off.The timing for Constantine at EW cinemas was...4.30pm,so I went home kinda late.Well at least I didn't get punished much,cos I actually told the truth (a miracle).So yeah.My mom offered to buy me dinner and my dad offered me mango after that so,I guess its all okay.Telling the truth ain't that bad after all.I used to think that lying was more..well...I dunno.I used to think I can get away easily by lying my way through,but now I know,truth is always a better choice.On the way home,I kept holding on to the W.W.J.D. bracelet I had.I kept asking myself what Jesus would do.He would obviously tell nothing but the truth.So I did.And guess what!It had a happy end too. lolz.I'm lovin it!
And well my parents are drinking Carlsberg by the tellie. They're sharing one can and well,I drank abit too :D I was just curious.I mean I was wondering...if it really were that bitter,how can people enjoy it?So I decided to try.Its not too bad though.I dun feel a bit dizzy or anything.I'm feeling fine,in fact.haha.Well my mom cleared out my room today..I think with my dad.And well,they didn't mention anything about the $95 worth of ACS B funfair tix.They probably saw the block of wood too but they didn't mention anything about it either.Sigh. My dad didn't seem mad about it anyway so maybe its better if I didn't bring it up just in case he hasn't seen it..yet.
So I'm right here again,same time same place same...thing.Rabbit on the floor bored,I'm right here typing,my parents watching TV...I wonder what He has planned for me tomorrow.Sigh.
I'm kinda nervous.I'm afraid of getting back my Math paper just to see some words on em "Try Harder" or "Please See Me". Its been happening for years I know,but then again,nobody likes to fail.Sigh.I got back my Geog paper today all marked and stuff.I'm pretty surprised I actually managed to get a C. I thought I'd get a 10/40 or something but it turns out I just managed to pass.20/40.Not too happy with it though,but at least I passed my Geog...once.I know,the worst few papers for CA1 will be Chinese and Science.Really hopeless.I think for once my Math would actually be better than my Chinese,not that any one of those subjects are any easier than the other. Sigh.So well,lotsa people are falling for Keanu Reeves.Its not surprising,he really did look cute in Constantine.Its one of the best films so far.I feel like watching KungFu Hustle again. Argh,I hardly have the time nowadays.With the tests and choir practices and..well. stuff.Sigh.
Oh yeah,I got a deep cut on the forth finger on my left hand.It doesn't hurt at all.It was still..bleeding..but not much.There was a vein there too.I didn't feel any pain.I didn't know when or how I got it though.Its..weird.Very. Today.Mrs Tan said that the first half of our Eng Compre was okay.I think the first half was alot easier than the second.It was quite...deep.I don't know.But it seems to me that I'm not reading enough,although I read alot.Damn.people like me love Jacqueline Wilson books.They always have a happy and sad side,and alot of problems and stuff.And the stories...well...its quite similar to our everyday life,so its easy to understand.lolz.I didn't realise I've typed so much.I shall end here then. Bubbye people.Watch Constantine! -Xiu.
"Im Constantine.John Constantine,asshole." - Keanu Reeves [Constantine] Arghhh.

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