Sunday, February 20, 2005

They Won't Let Go,Its Beyond Their Control.

today went to watch Constantine.
Keanu Reeves was cute!
its kind of a sad show though. With suicide and stuff..and dying twice and going to hell.
well..and heaven
"The wager between heaven and hell is on earth"
yeah. LOL. He's cute!
anyway. I went alone actually. But so what? THE WHOLE DAMN CINEMA WAS FULL!
Looks like this movie's gonna be a big one this year. heh heh heh...
I feel like watchin it again! Its so cool.The effects and all.
Im eatin gum now. Chewing and chewing...Since just now actually.LOL cos I was bored so I just ate some gum and well...I think people can lose weight that way. I didn't finish my dinner cos chewing gum made me.. 'full'. well sorta.So I only ate about half my dinner (which i had to force down). I think thats a good way to lose weight yeah? Try it!
okok this thing is totally screwed.I'll end here yeahs. see ya'll tomorrow or smth! Luv Xiu

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