Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, January 21st 2010

Can you believe I used to have a crush on this guy?
When I first watched "Alegria" on television when I was 10, I promised myself I would love tribal things like this. I wanted to go to New Zealand and Hawaii (and eventually, I did!). It seems hilarious now when I think about it, but as a little girl I stood in awe, watching the Maori people do their traditional dance. They use every muscle in the body, it was amazing to watch.
I haven't watched "Alegria" since then until today, when I finally decided to watch it on DVD. I wanted to see why I liked that guy so much, and I guess I realised why. Just look at him! He is, however, only cute with his make-up on, but that's beside the point.
Plus, the thing with the fire? It's incredibly sexy.

Also, I spent the entire duration of the DVD ogling at nice bodies. Check out this guy. His upper body is slightly larger than his lower half because he uses more of it in his act, but it's so beautiful. Loving the abs, by the way. Absolutely beautiful.

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