Sunday, January 23, 2005

Baby When You Hold Me,Do You Feel It?

Todeh was eh borin deh.
I wenth foh choir,cam bahk at one.
OK LA!I'll type properly -.-"
Then on the way home I listened to taufik LOL. I like his yet pop,r&b. LOL.I love one of his songs. Its called One Last. Im serious,listen to it! Its so choir-boyish. maybeh!
I took bus 851 home with lorna and her sisters.heh.Then on the over-head bridge,cos nobody there wad..then I sang -.- LOLZ so lame.I love earphones.They make u think that the whole world is filled with that song.Sorta.Surround sound babbeh!So nice. sigh <3
Ive been thinking of him lately. sorta.SIGH. I remember I used to write in my book "I love to mark papers" LOL. I miss u,if you're there.
ANYWAY,getting back to where I was. where was I? LOL. lost alr.
Im listening to One Last now. so nice! my dad just scolded me wth. everything also not happy. sigh. omg I feel like vomiting. cos my dinner was kinda...slimy. all the kway teow,and then I drank "heaven and earth" calamansi lime green tea. YUCK,i got headache now. Oh wells I better go now.Parents both not happy now. mad one.Its a wonder why Im not grumpy like them lolz.
Miss yer all. :) takkare yeahs? love! -Xiu :)

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