Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I Would Wait Until The End Of Time.

heyy. sigh.
today had quite a tiring day.but kinda happy now.
about 3 things tt made my day.
1)my compo chosen for some...competition thingy (sloppy work)
2)Ive mastered science,the chpter 2 thingy!(thanks miss teow!)
Today during chinese lesson,3 of *them were asked to go down for smth.I din know what it was at first.But i got to know about it soon after anyway. *they went down...came back several times to take stuff..sometimes crying. sigh.So they were all kinda angry at our chinese teacher cos she..decided to send them out of chinese class..smth like tt.And well.....sigh. I mean who would want to feel unwanted?She had given up on them...but i could tell they still cared.Kinda.They wun be so angry if they din care.Its normal. this is life,what to do? :)
So I myself tt no matter what,I wun let them get out of class.Cos nobody's perfect.Nobody wants to be invisible and thrown aside like rubbish.And I wun let that happen.I told myself tt from today,I would listen in every class,boring or not.Because I really would suffer at the end.Ive thought about it.Sigh.A teacher's job is to make sure everyone understands.Teachers have to understand their students,or they really wun make it.Teachers...are people with skills,and their job is to pass on their skill to their students.They teach.Its the students' choice if they want to listen,to learn.But you can really tell tt they do,even if they shout back rude answers.They dun have to care at all.But they do.please understand,you were all like that once.teachers really are still kids inside.we all never want to be at the losing end.We want to win,therefore we do whatever it takes to win--being stubborn.Nobody is ever right or wrong.its just what people think.We were all created for a reason.Everyone has different weak points and strong ones.So we have to help one another.Accept others for who they are.Make a difference! :) bubbyes!<3>

1 comment:

rzewski7 said...

Hey dearie...
Glad you think this way about learning and about teachers! My beautiful sister has really matured in her thinking now :) Most teachers go into the profession because they care, because they want to pass on their knowledge and their passion for their subject. They put their best into teaching, and hope their students will come to understand the subject and hopefully come to love it one day. I know maybe you think a lot of teachers suck, that they're nasty and just want to inflict torture on their students, but it's not true! Which teacher wouldn't want his/her students to love their teaching and to love the subject they themselves love so much? But teaching isn't always easy, especially when one is faced with a class full of rebellious teenagers who pride themselves on hating Chinese, or Maths, or whatever! Also, it's a real challenge to make sure everyone understands everything yet also keep to the curriculum -- all those deadlines for tests and covering the whole syllabus!!! Teaching is a real challenge, although I always believe not as challenging as being a student! Students nowadays really get the brunt of it all... they have so much pressure to do well, on top of all the other pressures they have while growing up. So I think you've really grown up now, dearie, when you say you'll listen in every class, boring or not. Kudos to that! I hope that when I go into teaching too, that I will be a good teacher to my students, that I'll be able to make everyone understand and love the subject (music!)... and I'll only be able to do that if my students thought like you, dearie! I certainly hope I'll have at least one student like you, who'll be honest about stuff and try their best in my classes! Love ya dearie!