Thursday, January 20, 2005

Zhi Yao Wei Ni Huo Yi Tian

I love that song...I just love it.It sounds so..glorious. LOL go search for the song,VERY NICE!
LOLLLLL.The song is..kinda lovish,like saying"I will live one day just for you" kind of thingy lol.
Its so sweet.I got to know the song from KungFu Hustle.Sigh I just love that movie.I hope that it'll still be in the cinemas next week so that maybe I can watch it again? maybeh!
Today I came home quite late.I came back home around 7.30pm. Argh got headache now.If I lay down on my bed,I think I could fall asleep straightaway!Too tired.I can't wait to get my phone. sigh.ohmygod I'm seriously tired.Tomorrow going to a tuition centre for tuition for the first time in my life.I wonder how it'll be like?Never experienced before. sigh. Poor me.I'm more of a "I wanna be alone" kind of thing.I prefer to be alone.Cos I can talk to something and it won't shoot rude answers back at me.And I can sing to myself.I wanted to remain at the back during Math lesson,but she just had to move me infront for some reason...but I kinda like it all by myself at the back.Its more peaceful,more free.When somebody is looking straight at you,just looking or watching,you try to impress that person,and that means extra effort..even stress!When Im all by myself at the back,I feel free.No tension,no whatsoever.Everyone needs time alone.To reflect,and to plan,sometimes just think. You people should know what I mean. lolz.
I think of my freedom as somewhere peaceful,beautiful scenery,fresh air...Somewhere like New Zealand.I miss that place.The only time I went there was when I was pri 4.I can still remember every detail of it,even when my cousin and I went through the park,getting all the ducks to follow us LOL.It was kinda funny.Then we went to the rose garden and started picking.We even stayed in this resort-hotel thingy,and it smelt of smth.And well,the temperature in NZ at that time was pretty low,but we still ate ice cream! How fun,those happy days.Now its all sad sad sad.
sigh.Okay I shall end here right?If I go on,you people would just die. LOL bye love everyone!-X

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