Friday, January 21, 2005

I Guess I Must Be Wishin On Someone Else's Star.

Hi people.


I had the most horrible day.And it hasn't ended yet.
We were having science.
Then mrs pat ho tan came in and started screaming.First at the class,then maria,then the class again.I suppose we deserved it.We didn't help with the deco,only some of us did.Sigh.Im so angry,I dunno why.Im so disappointed. I hate myself.I hate everything.Im so slow.I dun understand the stupid topic.Science chapter 2 damn it.WHATS WRONG WITH ME!
I sat during science lesson,staring at the piece of paper,while everyone around me is busy writing stuff down,working it out,knowing what to do.Me?Im CLUELESS.
Im still me,but Im sad now.Is it really my fault?Maybe it is. It always is. WHY?!

Then miss teow talked to me about science and stuff. Outside the staffroom. ha. sigh.It made me feel better,kindof. But then we got screamed at again when dels went to Kitchen 2 to look for mrs pat ho tan for *something*.Then she screamed again.This is never going to end.I hope it will,soon.Oh my God I've been typing crap. CRAP CRAP CRAP EVERYTHING IS CRAP.
whatever.Nobody can understand,not even one.Dun try asking. bye everybody. -xiu

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