Thursday, January 13, 2005

Oooh Sugarpie Honeybunch,You Know That I Love You!

LOL hi everybodeh!
Long time no blog.
Today had a fun day in school...I think. sigh journal. i love journals. LOL
today all the teachers were in a good mood..kind of.Except miss liem. sadness. but she wokay la. not that evil now. All the other teachers were in a good mood. dunno why. maybe something happened. heh. LOLZ!
ohmygod. my father is so dam evil.He came out of the kitchen.then he shouted at me "qu chong liang ah! now ah!" sigh. his chinese...sigh.easy for him to speak English he dun wanna speak -.-
ANYWAYS.gosh teachers dun start on me. My dad has always been like that for 13 YEARS and..sadness.can u believe it,Ive been suffering my whole life.I came back from choir at about 6.30.then I had my dinner,I ate like Ive been starving hungry for few years. LOLZ. cos I had a sore throat this morning,couldn't eat recess.. no time to eat lunch,so whole day din eat until dinnertime.
I just let my rabbit out to run lols. Poor little guy in the cage whole day. Its quite facinating,how mrs tan manages her pets,family and work at the same time. quite.Cos I JUST realized that teachers go home abt 6+ or later lolz.poor them. poor me. poor everybodeh!
I miss him. i mean. er. him. HIM LA. m***. anyway...can't wait to go hawaii in march. this sat have performance for the orientation thingy. i think i spelt it wrongly but nevermind. bahahha!
have to memorize "When I Fall In Love" lol.
Oh yeah. just today I realized Ive been slow all my life. IN EVERYTHING. math,chinese,english,science,choir,Clay,Kungfu Hustle,music.
I can't believe Im so slow. -.-"""
Im just another sad case la OK.
okok I shall go bathe now.. sigh -.-" kk bye people takkare all of u kk. bye teachers. -.-" <3 Xiu.

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