Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday, 29th July 2010

I was devastated upon seeing the results of my Maths Quiz 2.

The 3/25 I got didn't reflect the effort I had put in. I was downcast for a while, but then, I took a deep breath, picked up my pen, and started taking down all the corrections.

Life goes on.

I did, however, shove the test paper to the back of my book, where it shall remain until I am alone and away from the danger of school. People here are secretly judgemental, I'm beginning to realise, and it does somewhat pose as a threat, a little bit. There's a certain standard expected of a Biomedical Science student, and I'm clearly not meeting it.


Life goes on.
I need to work harder. It's possible, so don't argue, Xiulin. You've been faced with this before. You lived through it once, you'll live through it again.

Please, world, let me study.

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