Friday, October 01, 2004

I Wish I Could Be A Fly On Your Wall...

Heya people! yet again.wth my dad sitting behind me now haiz dunno wat he wanna see la ok
lolz ok he's last.dunno wat he was hoping to see la but he's weird.Im feeling so cold now argh coz Im sitting like..beside the open window bla bla bla.and my fingers are freezing.lolz today released early from school coz got English exam woot.Then went to novena square,eating lollipop on the way there LOLZ. then we go novena square dels wanted to buy a cd,so i brought her to this cd shop..and I heard a really beautiful song they were playing.And I asked the woman at the counter which cd it was.She pointed to a cd on the table and started nattering on about some flutist playing the songs,more of an irish side.lolz.I WANT THE DAMN CD argh lolz so nice.might just drag my mom there during the weekend to get it,or maybe just save up and buy it without telling her -.-" maybe it should be that way,but dun wanna waste my $ so shall make her buy it lolz.evil I know >=) lolz. Then after that take mrt go meet my baby and his friends.well,wy and mia. lolz oh no my dad coming cold tonight.. oh yea.then went to ljs with them..then dunno wat happened la.then keep trying to look at markie lolz.very nice to look at..I agree with my friends.look at his face will laugh lolz.his face so cute of course it brings joy to others LOLZ.then after that was playing in HDB HUB lolz very funny.then gina siao ask me walk first,then she ask markie to walk with me -.-" lolz missed him so much! I still miss him now.and im damn hungry now dunno why dammit.I still can remember his hair SO CUTE! lolz its called NATURAL spike ^^veh funny la lolz.then went home in mrt din get a chance to say goodbye to my baby then later on the mrt felt so guilty dammit haiz.anyways he was online just now and talked to him la ok lolz oh damn my dad shouting at me now haiz why always liddat its not as if I commited a crime or smth la he siao one got problem sigh I wish he wasn't my dad -.-" Im irritated with him and I can't stand him la ok.He needs to get a life.
anywaysss....where was I? dunno la lolz lost already all THANKS TO MY DAD haiz wth right. nvm its pretty late now.yay my baby agreed to take neoprints again.must take nicer ones this time.I wanna see his sweet face which brings joy to people around LOLZ. just too cute.Okies will end here for tonight k.see you all...miss my baby Darling Baby Angel! Love,Xiulin!<3

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