Monday, October 11, 2004

Would He Walk On Water...

Hey there peeps.My dad just scolded me..and my mom just lectured nice.Talking to dels,gina,and mia now on msn.sighh I miss them lots.haiz having lit exam tomorrow..we get let off early so me,dels n gina going tp study for upcoming exams.oh God my dad is watching me's coming for me now.right this minute
HELP....I have my lit book right infront of me.turned to "Phone Call" page.I highlighted it abit towards the retarded.haiz...Can't wait till tomorrow so I can study with my friends.I finally got the DnT textbook 2..finally.Gina is being super irritating by laughing for no damn reason.SIGHH..haiz Im reading the lit story now. well my day today was quite okay..just that wasn't very nice.My bro din want to install gb.thats a bad thing.he said after my exams then install.I hope.Then I went to NTUC and Popular with my food..and a black pen,and the DnT textbook,and a storybook.Its pretty cool rabbit really enjoyed the "coolness" LOLZ.I dunno.. then came online in the evening..and then finally,Markie came online.missed him so much.talked about wednesday and stuff like that.hhmm typical.Hmmm..I miss my rabbit.I guess I'll go play with it later..lolz and clean its cage and stuff like that.I'll have to read the four stories and program them into my head later.sigh.Okay I'll end here k? Today's post is a bit short sorry bout it.Buhs people take care.Miss my baby lots... Forever will be my Darling Baby Angel ^^ Bye peeps Love,Xiu.

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