Saturday, October 09, 2004

Cause You Know I'd Walk A Thousand Miles..

Hi everyone..still kinda pissed about yesterday.Im just so dun mind if Im snappy online.I still feel pissed.I miss my baby so have no idea man!haiz Im feeling so annoyed now online.especially when Gina keeps on saying "lame" and laughing for no reason haiz. just like mel la.thats one of the reasons Im so irritated..Im sorry I just am.Im irritated with school...thats why I went late I could miss the first period.ITS FINALLY THE WEEKEND...and Im thankful to God that it is.I can't stick school any longer this week man.Im so mom's talking to me haiz. eating grapes now..haiz sorry if today's bloggie post is abit short or smth..or issit?dunno...coz i haven't finished yet ^^ in school,we had this science walk thingy..and NICOLE..DAMN U...SHE wanted to go to mag low's block..and guess what? WE SAW MAG LOW THERE dammit.and she looked at me la..haiz i even cried a bit coz i was so scared.dammit la....then walk walk walk..then went near the chapel..and saw mag low so freaking angry lor.then after recess then wrote my baby the black letter..the deco was all black to match my bad mood.i was so pissed..and then..math lesson was the last two periods of the day and i should've been happy but still..i couldn't face it that well.haiz Im just so angry with Miss wan k.I hate her I hate her I hate her!!! I WILL ALWAYS HATE HER ARGH.well..something along those lines -.-"sigh the letter I wrote today abit ugly yea..coz no mood to decorate..but tried to anyway.I miss my baby so much..I miss him.Wonder whats he doing now? sighh yesterday when I was punished..for dunno wat. sighh I just thought of smth "I've been waiting forever but I dunno wat Im waiting for"...coz ms wan made me wait outside for dunno how long.and I dunno why she did that anyway..I din do anything wrong did I? I dun understand..sometimes this world can't be any worse..ok it can.My dad is scolding me right this minute dammit.sighhhh I hate this I hate this..Im listening to Vindicated right now..okok I'll listen to A Thousand Miles ok?!hhmmm I have this bad feeling that Ms wan said smth to my parents about come they can suddenly ask the question "where got scold you too much?" omg its damn scary can..u have no idea.haiz I miss my baby so much...Its pretty dead online right now.. uh huh and my mom just scolded me...and she was the one who suggested the damn freaking 2 hours..and now she said I cannot use at all next week.WHAT THE ****. i dun care I'll be online..but maybe from wed onwards wun be online till exams over...coz wed I got phone to survive.. :D and partly the reason is coz my baby will get back his phone after his exams so....hhmmm thats a pretty good thing though :D Can't wait!haiz im angry with my parents now sighhhhh...hope they dun demand another good night from me later..I simply do NOT wish to say goodnight to them.that time they scold me...then they expect a goodnight from me..I mean what the scold someone..then u want a goodnight from them? its totally senseless I tell you.Ms wan just doesn't understand me at all ok.all her assumptions were WRONG...okk will stop here for tonight kay? I miss my baby lots....Will post again tomorrow..see ya all.well gonna suffer tmr anyways.Love my baby always and forever Darling Baby Angel! Love,Xiu! Oh yea..adding a little bit here..I had a science test just yesterday..and I got a B3 for it! woo hoo! 34and a 1/2 upon 55....wasn't so bad was it?..WAS IT?

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