Saturday, October 23, 2004

Tutto sembrera migliore...

Hey there everyone..sorry for the caps post..just that I was kinda pissed coz the thingy wasn't working..haha so yea Im here was quite a boring day.Though kinda sad..Still feel sad remembering yesterday..the retreat -.-"haiz damn i got back three papers in all..EVERYONE did horribly for history! omg only two people passed damn it! but anyway.math..haiz.never got 40+ for math im feeling well as sad la coz so near to passing yet so far. then chinese..ayah dun need to say.hopeless man! but Im still quite surprised I got some questions correct.I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.ok im not that pathetic but still..haiz nvm hehe.then me and mel went to gina's hse to watch quill and go swimming. the quill show damn nice..started off as a newborn puppy damn cute.and then grew older guiding a blind midde aged man with an illness. in the end the guy died..then the dog did sad.the dog die so drama -.-" can fall down one wth.anyways..the dog very cute guai.haha and then we went swimming.swim swim swim..tired man! very. then went back to gina's hse to change then i said goodbye to her dog and went home with mel in the bus.though she went off earlier and I walked back to the mrt station by myself..taking the route that I ran after mark that time..and remembering everything.yea.sighh..somehow I still love him.I miss him ok.hopefully can talk to him next time he comes online haha.hopefully. anyways! I had dinner just now..mac and cheese..haha cheddar cheese.taste kinda funny but nvm lolz.then had a coconut -.-" lol always got coconut one.haha and then ah.. now my rabbit is walking over my pinafore..which I let it play with lolz.evil.its scratching it -.-" lame.uh huh! tomorrow going to esplanade with dezi and gina.dunno if mel gg anot.but i dun mind if mel go..just that she should start spending her $ on food lor.she like...act so poor damn it -.-"argh up to now..I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO BUY OMG.after my mom comes back from thailand...Im so gonna drag her out shopping.O need ALOT. earphones,lion king 2 soundtrack,a compilation album,aladdin dvd (getting it only coz they re-released it coz they added Clay's song in it),and some jacqueline wilson books from kinokuniya! woot! see so much to buy.haiz and still got a Clay book and Clay christmas cd to buy soon.Im so damn poor lor hahaz.but nvm.will SOMEHOW get it all.if there's a will,theres a way.ok so lame
okies anyways I shall end here yeah? See ya'll soon! buhs i love u ^^ -Love,Xiu.

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