Wednesday, October 06, 2004

What Would It Take To Make You See That I'm Alive?

HAIZ so tired.Just came back from the movies with dezi.The movie was sooo sweet!! I wanna watch it again! lolz.even if it means by myself..nevermind I will watch it again! I miss the show already =( LOLZ the show damn funny. dunno why wy suddenly turn up there lolz.saw him when dels and I were buying tickets.din really talk to him la.But he was like alone and I felt bad.lolz but then I went into the movies and watch and sang along and laugh wth -.- lolz..then after the movie in tpc I was laughing and smiling..there were some people who thought I was crazy so..but nvm the movie was damn sweet..the ending was so touching ^^ lolz. sigh so bored.mia just came online and tok to me LOL. talking to gina now too..I MISS MY BABIE SO MUCH =(okies have to go bathe now -.- I be back later kays? miss my baby!!
Back again! its 10.05 pm now.I miss my baby so much dammit. haiz just received sms from wy.Im so damn tired now lor...can't describe..hhmm okok shall change style of talkin. hmm
So tomorrow I ain't knowing wats gonna happen after school..after all,wats there to do anyway? So tomorrow will be another boring day man..U have no damn idea. The whole day is just a big mess.Hopefully it'll be a good day tomorrow..hopefully.No one's ever said life's easy anyway.sighh I miss him so much. So everyday Im writing letters for my dear baby in class during lesson.It takes alot but I don't care man,I just miss him too can't blame me! I even have trouble sleeping dammit.I miss you baby..wherever you are and whatever you are doin right now.I just miss you lots...and I miss the movie White Chicks.I wanna watch it again man! Its so cool!Oh yea..and I had a really lousy dinner too.instant noodles yet again.This sux.Im all depressed now and stuff.Its just so difficult without my baby.I wonder why the stupid school has to delay the damn exams anyway.If not,I would be ending the exams much earlier man!!!! Its so unfair.I can't stand it anymoreeee.I just got another sms from wy...sighh Im bored.dammit my mom just came out from the toilet
OH MAH GAWD SHE JUST READ THIS DAMN POST DAMMIT.thank god I switched she's a' comin again.oh phew she just went into the room and shut the door behind her.I miss my baby so very much :'( sighhh. Okies people I'll end here,dun get mad at me okay?Im so freakin tired.I miss my Darling Baby Angel..I love you lots baby! See ya guys! bubbyes!

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