Sunday, October 10, 2004

If I Could Just See You Tonight.

I Feel So Alone.
Am I really all alone?Why am I here?What is my reason to live?Coz let me tell you something.I really don't know what to do right now.My life is a total wreck..Im..Lost.
Hi people its me again..and I feel so alone..I dunno.well,there's mia talking to me on msn..but I just don't know..I feel so alone.I mean..Nobody's talking at all..My parents are obviously.but still..There's nothing to reply.They don't communicate properly.So I have been living my whole life with them like that.Yea I have gotten used to it already.So it doesn't matter.But its like..NOBODY'S TALKING!I don't know..Alot has been happening in my life recently.Mostly bad stuff.I don't remember any good stuff happening recently.Not at all.Read the few earlier posts..sigh I feel all alone right now.Oh God I just got a splitting headache! omg omg omg.darn headache.I din do much today.My life would have been more interesting if my mom actually let me out of the house to meet gina at tpc.but that din happen anyway.I had a feeling that my mom wanted me to stay home to rot.I have this empty feeling now...Its as if everyone around me..arn't real.As if they're programmed.I just don't know.Im lost! I really am.I don't know how tomorrow will be.It definately won't be good.At night,I won't be able to sleep.I lie in the dark thinking about my baby..or what bad stuff will happen the next day.Too much has been happening ok.What about my damn Math teacher lecturing me,and telling my choir teacher smth about me that I don't know...sighh I just don't know.I miss Mark so much...I miss him.I can hardly wait until I see him again on Wednesday.How am I going to survive till then?! Tell me man!! I mean..everynight,I think about what would happen the next day..It wouldn't be a pleasant one anyway.Okay I'd better end here.I don't want to go on typing all this crap.My life is a total wreck.Take care everyone.Wherever you are now baby,I love you.Always will.Love,Xiu.

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