Thursday, October 07, 2004

If I Could Fall Into The Sky...

Hie people..Today siao siao one la.Everything is siao siao one...nicole got scolded by jo teo wth. then mel scream in tpec and got a long angry stare from a woman working there -.-"
Coz mel angry with us mah.(wat for again?) then she angry.then we sit in the middle of tpc there.infront of an air con shop -.- but no air one la lolz.Then we went to Mos burger and bought food.then when we came back Dels dunno why so angry for what -.- even got her bag away from our table.MY DAD SCREAMING AT ME NOW LA..FREAK. anyways dun care la.He got serious problem one la I can't stand him anymore k.I HATE HIM. anyway...Then we offer dels they all fries but she said dun want -.- so we din ka jiao them anymore lor.Then we started singing "A Thousand Miles"... Sara...sing VERY out of tune man!!! lolz we were all laughing like mad.Then I ask mel,dels,mia and wy they all look but they dun want.instead they give me dao face -.-" wad did i do man? haiz dun get it la.then went to tp mrt station to go home..then suddenly wy pop up out of nowhere and I was like..speechless la lolz.I thought he stayed with mia they all wad.So went home in mrt la but he far away la k. hhhmmm first time wy no dao face la. then went home lor...went home on hp and smsed wy ask him why he din stay with them at Mos. dunno wat he replied la..I forgot already.but then he said he not going out with us anymore...then I ask him why.Then i can't remember wat he said.But then I ended up saying "we thought u studying so we din say anything"..coz in Mos he was very quiet.I think he felt left out or something. haiz so sorry wy.
anyway! now listening to A thousand miles. such a nice the movie dammit.The White Chicks rox!! OH YA damn maths math teacher Ms Wan like not happy liddat today she stare at me then I asked her "wat?" then she was like "I should be asking you wat" then I said "I dunno" and I walked out of the room.wth right I really have to freakin idea wat she toking about lor! she still ask me wat,as if she expects something from me liddat.I din even do anything to her la I can't stand her la.I can't stand people like that.Like my father lor -.-" these kind of people ah..can scold for no freakin reason..accuse me of doing something I've not done...and expecting me to know something but I really have to freakin idea wat they talking about.Its so irritating haiz.
I miss my babie so much.hope I get to see him online soon..He's having geog exam tomorrow
=( poor guy.haiz I miss him so muchhhh.I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I MISS HIM!arghhhh!
really can die without him.haiz I miss him...soo much.Good luck baby for your exams ^^
Just had dinner..rice with melon soup,and corn.I love corn..lolz.Boring same old dinner haiz.Nothing tastes right anymore..not without my babie.I miss him loads.oh yea few days ago bought another Maksim CD..woo hoo.Got afew songs in the CD..ROCKS! lolz Im mad la.My fav song at the moment is A Thousand Miles.
Phrases from The White Chicks:
"Hey common you want a piece of me?!"
"Its not just a bag,Its Prada."
"Oh!What a beautiful chocolate man!"
"Lets go shopping!"
"Dont you 'Hey Baby' me!"
Lolz all so funny..I miss the show man.
I miss the show so much =( I've watched it twice already. and I LOVE THE SHOW!..I wanna watch it again..soon.hopefully go with dels.or alone also long as I watch it again.Will definately buy the DVD/VCD when its officially released :D its a must.
Okies people will end here for the day kays? Will post again tomorrow! See ya all soon.I miss my baby lots..=( my Darling Baby Angel! I LOVE YOU! forever more ^^ Lotsa Love,Xiulin

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