Thursday, October 14, 2004

Would He Run Through Fire...

Hey people...
sup today? I had quite a boring day..though not exactly boring trying to run from 2 guys -.-" I ran through popular and cd rama! haiz.Then took cover in Macs LOLZ.then in the end felt bad so I went to tpe to look for em.haiz I tell you the whole story k.

I went to tpc by walking of course..with Dezi and Gina. uh huh.We were chewing on gum on the way there la.lolz and then got few ij girls run past playing -.- and then one drop the belt lol and din know. finally she realised..and Dezi picked up her belt and gave it to her..and scolded her -.-" hhahahaaha so lame! Then reach tpc. went to look at red circle.still quite early coz all the shops not open yet -.-" so went to breadtalk to buy some food.Gina bought the milky bread thingy,Dels bought the HOTdog (obviously becoz she was thinking of something..) and I bought the curry naan (kinda tasteless though) LOL so we went eating...and went to macs..I mean the macs in the interchange there.and saw our friends there la.uh..were they friends? i dunno lolz anywayys.MY DAMN FREAKING FATHER JUST SCOLDED ME FOR NO REASON! what the hell dammit I din do anything!haiz eating dinner now.dammit my dad go problem one la dun care abt him.anyways.after my friends ditched me today coz they no patience already,I went to mrt station..before entering the gate of the mrt station thingy where u flash your ez link,I stopped.I thought"if I left now,there would be no turning back,dun regret it later" and I turned back,and took the escalator up to the red circle,and ran all the way to tpe.dunno why.and then I walk walk walk..I was alone.I walked past macdonalds..pass the glass of the place..and saw wy.he was kindof bending over so I only saw him -.-" Then scary man..i din want him to see me so i covered my face with my wallet..unfortunately unsuccessful.They came running after me -.- through hdb hub and all. very scary.LOL.damn funny I was muttering too.. stuff like "Bless Me God,this isn't happening!" LOL so funny.Then went to macs to take cover. lolz.Then felt bad...but then scared -.-" so i no choice ask mel follow moi go tpe.Then pass letter already..then go back to tpc..then mel got scolded by stephanie lolz.funny sia,everyone also started running from steph in the end so yeah. BAHAHAHHAHAAA.steph a bit mad mad one la.lolz.Yea then go to DQ and sit with nicole,sara and lavaa..and read the letters from my baby..and started laughing LOLZ. the other people were chatting so noisily I couldn't concentrate!! argh lolz but managed to read it anyway lolz.So funny.His letter all so cute one.hey people I have to go now coz my dad gonna scold again soon k? BUHS!! I LOVE YOU BABY FOREVER!! my darling baby angel ^^ so cute. Lotsa Love,Xiulin.

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