Friday, January 28, 2005

To Hear You Say You Love Me,Like You Mean It.

Hey everybodeh!
Nice day I had today..until tuition time.IT SPOILT MY DAY PLS.*mutters smth*
stoopid tuition. use methods Ive NEVER SEEN BEFORE.serious. not anywhere leh!stupid teacher ah. no life one. then she teach me two times i also dun understand cos they use totally different methods. I told her I learnt it a different way she dun wanna listen. damn her.well to hell with her.Im never gna go to that tuition again,after the 3 more lessons.cus 4 lessons for 70 bucks. and its like ok la but if i dun learn anything,i might as well not pay right? lamer.stubborn.
stupid teacher.
ANYWAYS shall not talk about that lame tuition anymore. well I had an OK day.The only lesson I din like today was Math. math is so hopeless?U just have to take one look at my math and you know im hopeless. my rabbit is trying to lick my foot. LOL.its such a sweet rabbit.It can actually sense when Im angry or smth,then it will follow me arnd the hse and lick my foot. LOL so cute right.I have no idea how I managed to train it like that.Maybe it was just born smart LOL. dunno,but its so smart -.- smarter than me can already lolz.i can't believe it. im eating chocolate. LOL i just bit off the chocolate guy's head. so farnie. lolz! so lame.Today gina and I created 'sign languages' for afew words. LOL not rude ones anyway. just kinda nonsensical LOLZ.okok Im going on and on about my stupid day. I'll stop here kk. Takkare people. Luv u*

1 comment:

rzewski7 said...

hey dearie...

different does not = lousy! sometimes teachers use different methods to try to make things easier to understand. It doesn't mean that just cos it's different from what you've learnt in school, that it's a lousy method! Try to see things from a different perspective, and ask plenty of questions if you don't understand anything. After all, that's what tuition time is for, right? It's time to ask lots of questions and clarify concepts! Ask your friends in tuition whether they understand what the teacher is saying, and see whether they can help clarify your doubts too!

Love, jie